Executing an Interest Search from any of the Find It Now menus displays the Interest Matching screen. Use this tool to list entities that share one or more specified interests. An entity might be a course, a person, a Cool URL, an event, a survey, a vote, an assessment, a form, or a group. To begin your search, enter the following fields (noting that some fields do not display on all interest search screens):
Minimum matches required: If you opt not to require all interests to match, use this drop-down list to tell CNAV how many interests must match for an entity to meet the specified search criteria. The default value is 1. Note that this field is ignored if you tick Require all interests to match.
Show top results: Use this drop-down list to limit the number of matching entities returned by this search.
Require all interests to match: Click this checkbox to require an entity to match ALL specified interests.
Date range: Select the appropriate date range from the displayed drop-down list. (This field displays only when you are searching for events.)
Search area: Select Current only to limit your search to Cool URLs currently active within CNAV. Select Archives to include Archived Cool URLs as well as current Cool URLs. (This field displays only when you are searching for Cool URLs.)
Interest tree: The Interest tree consists of two panes. The right pane includes the interest tree defined for your institution. Navigate this tree as you would the Windows Explorer file tree. To select an interest to be matched, click on the name of that interest in the right pane. As you click, CNAV will display the selected interest(s) in the left pane. To change your mind and remove a selected interest from your search, click on that interest name in the left pane.
Note that the interest tree is structured as a set of groups. If you select any top-level group, CNAV will automatically include all lower-level interests in the search. Thus, if you select Sports, you don't need to also select Basketball and Golf. However, you can limit the search to only the sport of Basketball by selecting that lower-level interest directly and not selecting the top-level group Sports.
After selecting all interests to be matched, click Submit.