Request a Ride

Using the CNAV Ride Board, you can request a ride from your institution to any location off campus, from your home area to campus, or really, between any two locations within the United States.

To request a ride, click Find It Now, Rides, Search Rides and then click on the Need a Ride icon.

When you request a ride, enter all required information in the following sections:

After entering all required fields, click Preview. If the entered Request requires any changes, click Edit. Otherwise, click Submit.

The following sections describe the fields in each section.


Getting There

The drop-down menu is a quick way to select location information for places you might travel to and from frequently. In this list, you will find your home address and places you or other CNAV users often travel. Once you select a location from this menu, it is automatically written into the open fields below.

If the location you want to travel from is not in this list, you may manually type in the street, city, state, and zip code.

The street address is optional. If you are concerned about privacy, you may leave it blank, or delete anything written there from the drop-down menu.

City, state and zip are required, and must be valid. If you do not know the zip code for a location, click the Zip Lookup button. This will give you a list of valid zip codes for the city and state you entered. If multiple zip codes are listed, and you are not sure which one to choose, choose the first one listed. If you do not know how to spell the name of the city you want to travel to, enter the state and the first letter of the city name, then click Zip Lookup. This will display a list of all of the cities in that state that begin with that letter, along with the correct zip codes. Similarly, if you want a list of all cities in a particular state, simply enter the state abbreviation and click Zip Lookup.

If you do not have a specific date in mind, choose Anytime this semester.

If you have an exact date in mind, choose Only on this date. You are must enter a month, day, and year. You may only choose dates for this academic year. Time of day is optional, and will not influence matches that are returned.

If you have a range of dates in mind, enter the earliest date you could leave first, and choose Between the above date and. Then, enter the last date you could leave. Again, you must enter a month, day, and year and may only choose dates for this academic year. Time of day is optional, and will not influence matches that are returned.

Enter your destination. Use the same steps that you used to enter your starting location. (See I am leaving from above.)

Enter the number of people you are seeking a ride for. If you only need a ride for yourself, enter "1". You can set the number of riders for your return trip separately (if applicable).

Indicate the amount of personal belongings you are planning to bring along. This is solely to provide information to prospective drivers, not to screen them out. In other words, the system will match your posting to anyone offering a ride to your destination on your specified date, regardless of whether or not the amount of belongings you wanted to bring matched the amount they could accommodate. So be sure to discuss this with any potential driver before your trip.


Getting Back

If you are not requesting a return trip, choose Trip is one-way only and skip the rest of this section. Otherwise, enter the date on which you hope to return.

If you do not have a specific date in mind, choose Anytime this semester.

If you have an exact date in mind, choose Only on this date. You must then enter a month, day, and year. You may only choose dates for this academic year. Time of day is optional, and will not influence matches that are returned.

If you have a range of dates in mind, enter the earliest date you could return first, and select Between the above date and. Then, enter the last date you could return. Again, you must enter a month, day, and year and may only choose dates for this academic year. Time of day is optional, and will not influence matches that are returned.

Enter the number of people you are seeking a ride for on your return trip. If you only need a ride for yourself, enter "1". This number does not need to be the same number as on your departure trip. If you are not seeking a return trip, anything that you enter here is ignored.

Indicate the amount of personal belongings you will be bringing back with you. This is solely to provide information to prospective drivers, not to screen them out. In other words, the system would match your posting to anyone offering a ride back from your destination on your specified date, regardless of whether or not the amount of belongings you wanted to bring matched the amount they could accommodate. So be sure to discuss this with any potential driver before your trip. If you are not seeking a return trip, whatever is entered here will be ignored.


General Preferences

Use this field to specify how far from your point of origin or destination you are willing to be picked up or dropped off. The further you are willing to go, the wider your pool of potential rides becomes. For example, say you are traveling from Gettysburg to Washington D.C. If you indicate that you are willing to go 0 miles out of your way for a ride, then the system will only match you with drivers who are going to your exact zip code in Washington. If you indicate that you are willing to go 10 miles out of your way, then anyone offering a ride to a zip code within 10 miles or less of yours will be matched to you in the system. This obviously increases your chances of finding someone to share your ride.

Use this field to indicate how much you would like to contribute to the cost of your travel. This is solely to provide information to prospective drivers, and does not affect your odds of finding a match. In other words, the system would match your posting to anyone offering a ride to or from your destination on your specified dates, regardless of whether or not the amount you wished to contribute matched the amount they were seeking. So be sure to discuss this with any potential driver before your trip.

Indicate whether you are willing and able to help with driving responsibilities. This is solely to provide information to prospective rides, not to screen them out. In other words, the system would match your posting to anyone offering a ride to or from your destination on your specified dates, regardless of whether they did or did not wish to you to help with driving. So be sure to discuss this with any potential driver before your trip.

Indicate whether or not you smoke. This, in conjunction with the next question, will be used to screen out drivers who are incompatible with your preferences. For example, if you are a smoker and someone offering a ride has indicated that they do not wish to travel with a smoker, the system would not attempt to match the two of you together. Therefore, keep in mind that what you enter here may widen or reduce your field of potential rides.




Enter any additional information about your trip that might be helpful to a prospective rider. You may type up to 2,000 characters in this field.


Notify Me

Let the Ride Board system know what type of ride posting you wish to be notified about. If you are requesting a ride, you will obviously want to know about anyone offering a ride. But you may also wish to know about anyone else requesting a ride, in case one of you is willing to ride with the other. Therefore, selecting "both" will give you the greatest number of matches. Once you submit your posting, you will immediately be given any matching results. You can also be notified by email or on your Cool Stuff page, based on your selection in this section.

Let the Ride Board system know what criteria you want it to use when finding matches to your posting. You can have it search by date (i.e., find anyone traveling anywhere on the dates you have specified for your trip), by place (i.e., find anyone traveling to and from the same places as you, regardless of when) or by both date and place (i.e., find anyone traveling to and from the same places as you, only on the dates you have specified). The criteria you select here will be combined with your preferences related to smoking and how far out of your way you are willing to go (see General Preferences above) when finding matches.

Each night, the Ride Board system will search for any new matches to your posting. If any new matches are found, you will be notified based on the method you select here. If you choose My Cool Stuff page, a link to these matches will be created under My Ride Board in the My Stuff section of your Cool Stuff page. If you choose email. notification will be sent to your campus email address. And if you choose Both, you will be notified both ways.