Student Multiple Condition Search

Clicking Find It Now, People, Multiple Condition Search, Undergraduate Students or Graduate Students allows you to search for students by a combination of criteria. You can enter data into one, some, or all of these fields:

You can also opt to display the search results with or without photos.

Note that Status is listed twice on this screen. The Status field allows you to limit the search to Campus only, or to include Everyone in the search. The Class/Status field uses the term status to mean the type of student. For example, a student might have a status of Continuing education or Exchange.

As you enter fields to be searched upon, those search criteria will display in the Search Conditions area to the right of the screen. If you change your mind and wish to remove criteria, simply click on the item to be removed in the Search Conditions area.

Once you have entered all criteria by which you wish to search, click Submit to execute the search.

To clear all selected values and begin a new search, click Reset.