For each student service entered into CNAV, the following information is maintained:
Service description: This field provides a brief description of the service being offered.
Service URL: Where available, this field links to a web page that provides additional information about this service or the department or office that offers this service.
Institution: This field lists the names of all institutions at which this service is available. (This field is relevant only when CNAV is used in a multi-campus or consortia environment.)
Contact information: This field provides details on how you can contact the provider of this service. This field includes a name, telephone number, and email link. This field also provides an "office link" that will take you to a list of all services offered by the office to which this service belongs.
Interests: This field lists all interests that have been logged for this service. CNAV uses these logged interests to perform interest matching (Find Stuff Like Me) and to execute Interest Searches. This field displays only when there are logged interests for the service.
Created by/Last modified by: These fields display the name of the person who created this service description as well as the name of the person who last modified it.
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