What is a Realm?

Currently, CNAV accounts are available to the following groups of people:

Within CNAV, we refer to these groups of people as user realms. Every CNAV account holder belongs to at least one of these realms.

CNAV also makes some functions and information available to another realm called Public users. Public users are those people accessing CNAV data from a web page outside of CNAV (for example, from the college home page). Public users do not get an actual CNAV account.

Realms are especially important to CNAV privacy settings. You can actually limit access to specific parts of your CNAV data based on the realm of the person doing the looking. For example, you can allow Faculty members to view your class schedule but block access to other students and alumni.


Not all campuses choose to implement every available realm. Therefore, some of these specific realms may not be available on your campus. In addition, some campuses choose to add their own campus-specific realms.