My Privacy Settings

Clicking My Place, My Settings, My Privacy Settings allows you to control who can see the information that CNAV is storing about you.

This Help section answers the following questions:


What are privacy settings?

CNAV includes a detailed privacy system that allows you to carefully control who sees each item of your "public" information. You can control who can see your photo, campus address, campus phone, home address, home phone, class schedule, etc. Your privacy controls extend to transcript access, display of interests, and permissions granted to parent accounts.


How do I set my privacy settings?

You can set privacy preferences individually for each of the user realms defined for your institution. Note that in addition to the standard user realms, you can also determine whether your information is accessible from the college home page or will be included in the print directory. In addition, note that the realm Parents here really refers to everybody else's parents. You can set separate privacy settings for your parents within the My Parents column.

For each item of data, listed in the first column, toggle display On or Off for each of the viewer groups listed at the top of this table. After setting all items, click Submit. If you change your mind about the changes you have entered, you can either Reset the form to return to your previously logged privacy settings. You can also click Set to Defaults to return to the CNAV default privacy settings selected by your institution.


What is a data lock?

You will note that for some items of data, you are not given an option to turn display on or off. For example, if you are a student, you cannot turn display of your campus email address Off to Faculty members or the System administrators. These "data locks" settings are determined by the CNAV system administrator at your institution. If you are not comfortable with these settings, you need to contact your institution's policy administrator.


What are those gray bars for?

As you scroll down the list of privacy settings, you will note that the user realm names scroll off the top of the screen. To save screen space, we opted not to "freeze" those titles in place. Instead, we've provided a small gray bar to the right of each set of On/Off toggle switches. To see which user realm the current setting applies to, simply mouse over that gray bar.


Why are the data items hyperlinked?

The number and types of data items that CNAV maintains about you are selected by your institution. Instead of providing general help that may or may not list all the data items contained at your CNAV institution, we opted to provide pop-out help for each data item. When you click on the name of any data item listed in the first column of the privacy settings table, CNAV displays a short description of what that data item is.


What if I am a parent?

If you are a parent, you should also know that your student's privacy settings determine what you can and can't view about your student in CNAV. For example, if you can't see your student's transcript or class schedule, the reason is that your student has not told CNAV to allow you to view those items. In this case, you must ask your student to change his or her privacy settings to allow you access. For legal reasons, the college staff can NOT make this change. Only your student can give you permission to view your student's data.