Course Listing

Clicking My Place, My Courses allows you to display your course schedule for This Semester or Next Semester. The Course Listing provides the following information for each course:


Course Identification Information

This section lists the course name, course number, and section number as well as the time and location at which the course is offered. To display the Course Information screen of this course, click on the hyperlinked course name.


General Links

This section provides hyperlinks to the following items:

Courseware materials consist of prepared materials using a third-party courseware package such as Blackboard™ or Prometheus™. Your campus may have one, several, or no courseware packages in use.

The Email icon allows you to send email to all members of this class. You can also tick the Add to alias checkbox for several courses then click the Mail to Group button at the bottom of this screen to send email to all members of several classes at one time.

The Faculty member information provides quick links to email or phone (using Internet telephony) the faculty members teaching this course. You can also obtain additional information about any listed faculty member by clicking the underlined name to display that person's User ID screen.


Restricted Data

This section contains links to information that is restricted to those people either taking or teaching each class. The restricted information includes: