The User ID screen, sometimes also called the "Person found" or "PFound" screen, contains a summary of the biographical data that CNAV maintains about an individual.
The exact information that displays here depends on several factors:
The user realm of the person to whom this User ID screen pertains
Your user realm
The privacy settings entered by the person to whom this User ID screen pertains
The possible information that can be displayed includes:
Name: Complete, legal name of this CNAV user.
Contact icons. The second column of this table displays one or more of the following icons:
Email. Click on the email icon to send email to this user.
Phone Call. Click on this icon to contact the user by telephone using CNAV. Note that this icon appears only on those systems in which voice-over IP and Internet telephony are enabled.
Institution icon: Mouse-over this icon to display the name of the institution to which this user belongs.
Groups icon: Click on this icon to display a list of the groups to which this user belongs.
Last visit icon: The face on this icon indicates how recently the user has logged into CNAV. A smiley face indicates a very recent access, etc. A plain "not" symbol with no face at all indicates a user who has never logged into CNAV. To view the exact date and time of the user's last visit, click on this icon.
Class/Job title: This field displays the class year (for students) or job title (for faculty and employees).
Department: This field displays the department to which this user belongs.
Major: For students, this field displays the student's declared academic major.
Advisor name: For students, this field displays the student's academic advisor.
Minor: For students, this field displays the student's declared academic minor.
Expertise: For faculty members and employees, this field links to this person's entries in the campus media guide. Those entries list the fields (by category and topic) in which this person is considered to be an expert.
Interests: This field links to the My Interests listing for this person. Click on this link to display a list of the interests that this user has logged with CNAV.
Resume: This field links to this person's online resume.
Campus email: This field displays this person's campus email address.
Address fields (Campus address, Home address): These fields display this person's campus address and home address and telephone number.
Home page, Family home page, Family photo: These fields contain URLs that point to this person's home page, family home page, and family photo. (To add these URLs to CNAV if you don't currently have them, use the My Showcase URLs function.)
FERPA is the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act. Simply put, FERPA is a Federal law that defines the privacy of a student's educational records. This law defines which items of information about a student that an educational institution can share with third parties -- even including a student's parents or legal guardians. A FERPA notice is displayed directly on the User ID screen for persons whose data is protected under FERPA. For those persons, restricted data is considered to be confidential and should not be shared with persons other than the student concerned and (as required) with other staff members at your institution who are also bound by the FERPA regulations.