User ID

The User ID screen, sometimes also called the "Person found" or "PFound" screen, contains a summary of the biographical data that CNAV maintains about an individual.

The exact information that displays here depends on several factors:


The possible information that can be displayed includes:



FERPA is the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act.  Simply put, FERPA is a Federal law that defines the privacy of a student's educational records. This law defines which items of information about a student that an educational institution can share with third parties -- even including a student's parents or legal guardians.  A FERPA notice is displayed directly on the User ID screen for persons whose data is protected under FERPA.  For those persons, restricted data is considered to be confidential and should not be shared with persons other than the student concerned and (as required) with other staff members at your institution who are also bound by the FERPA regulations.