Clicking CNAV Tools, Groups, GATL, Realm, and System Groups allows you to view and maintain those groups created by CNAV itself. This tool limits itself to groups that CNAV defines as being GATLs (that is, Groups Above The Line). The "line" referenced, is the line that separates groups that are a part of CNAV and are defined by CNAV itself and those groups that are created purely by the client institution.
The number and types of GATL groups present at your CNAV institution are determined and defined at installation as required by the business practices in place at your institution. For example, CNAV considers the realm Faculty to be a GATL group in that all CNAV institutions (being learning institutions) will have Faculty members of some type. How those members are defined, however, varies greatly. One institution may consider Graduate Assistants carrying teaching loads to be Faculty members; another institution may not.
When you access the GATL, Realm, and System Groups tool, CNAV displays a Group Administration screen containing the following information for each existing GATL, realm, or system group:
Group actions: This column provides icons that allow you to take the following actions for each group:
Edit group
Delete group
View members with photos
View members without photos
Note that deleting a system-defined group can have serious effects on CNAV. We strongly suggest that you do not delete system-defined groups without first discussing the matter with your CNAV support representative.
Group name: This column lists the groups names of the system-defined groups. The first portion of this column also reports whether the group is currently Active.
Group type: This column reports the group type. The possible group types are:
Parent SGM: This is a parent group in which generation information is included.
Child SGM: This is a system-generated child group.
Parent Pseudo Type SGM: This is a Parent SGM group that is system generated based on a specific entity. Examples: Me, This_Course.
Child Pseudo Group: This is a child group generated from a Parent Pseudo. Examples: Me_(Doe, Jane).
Recursive Parent SGM: This is similar to a Parent SGM; however, generated groups have a parent-child relationship.
Child From Recursive Parent: This is similar to a Child SGM; however, this type of child group is generated from a Recursive Parent SGM.
Groups Coupled with Digests: This identifies a group associated with a CNAV digest.
Security Groups without Members: This identifies a group having no actual members but for which security is required. Examples: Homepage, PrintDir.
Realm Groups: This group maps to the members of an official user realm.
Manual Groups: These groups are created by the user.
Group ID: This column reports the group ID (sometimes called the entity ID). This number internally identifies the group to CNAV.
SGM actions: These links allow you to do the following:
View [ChildTrees]
[Populate] the group
Because of the impact on system performance, we strongly suggest that you do not forcibly [Populate] large groups during peak system usage times.