The Progress Report Entry form allows a faculty member to submit electronic progress reports for any course that he or she is currently teaching.
For each student, this form includes the following fields:
Photo: This column displays the CNAV ID photo of each student in your class.
Status: Use these checkboxes to indicate the status of this progress report. (For example, is it Completed? Or, is it In Progress and you plan to return to it later before submitting?) The values of the checkboxes listed in this column are defined by your institution. If you feel that a new status value should be added, please contact your CNAV system administrator.
Student/Grade/Reasons: This column lists the name of each student and provides drop-down lists from which you can select the grade assigned (if appropriate) and the reasons relevant to this progress report. (Sample reasons include Failed numerous exams, Scored well on all tests, Poor attendance, etc.) You can select as many reasons as you feel apply to each student. The reasons available in this drop-down list are defined by your institution. If you feel that a new reason should be added, please contact your CNAV system administrator. You can also obtain additional information about any student by clicking the hyperlinked student name to display that student's CNAV ID screen.
Selected Items: The Selected Items fields shown in this column display all of the reasons that you selected for each student.
Comments: Use this field to enter additional comments.
In many cases, you can complete progress reports a few students at a time. You do not need to enter every progress report for an entire class in one sitting. When you do enter a few progress reports at a time, be sure to mark the completed status ONLY for those students for whom you did complete the progress report.
After completing all progress reports that you plan to finish in this session, click Submit.