
Anytime that you add members to a group, or select a group to be used by another CNAV function, CNAV displays the group Chooser. Sometimes, this tool is also called the Group Picker Filter.

In the Chooser, CNAV displays two panes. The left pane is further divided into two areas: Sets and Selected Members.

The Sets area appears at the top of the left pane and includes the following sets of groups:

When you click on any one of these sets, the Chooser displays an alphabetical list of all groups included in that set within the right pane labeled Selection Area. When you click My Groups, CNAV lists all groups in which you are currently a member.  When you click Manual groups, the Chooser lists all manually-created groups. When you click Realm groups, the Chooser lists all user realms defined at your CNAV installation. Likewise, when you select System groups, the Chooser lists all system-generated groups.

As you click on groups in the Selection Area, those selected groups display in the bottom left pane entitled Selected Members. To deselect a group, simply click on that group name in the Selected Members area.

After you finish selecting all the groups you wish to choose, click Submit.


About those Community Members....

Earlier, we explained that the Sets area actually lists Sets of groups. The exception to this definition is the alphabetical listings of Community Members.  For those lists, the Set is actually displaying a list of CNAV users (i.e. members of the CNAV community) filtered by alphabetic rules.

On large systems, CNAV will take a few minutes to load the names into the Selection Area. While the names are loading, the selection Community Members x will NOT be highlighted in the left pane. In addition, the browser processing icon will NOT be animated. Please resist the urge to repeatedly click your selection. Doing so will only slow down the process of loading the group names.