My Groups

Clicking My Place, My Groups displays a list of the CNAV groups to which you currently belong. You can click the envelope icons on this screen to quickly and easily send email to the other people in any of these groups. You can also view a list (with or without photos) of the members of any group to which you belong. The descriptions shown to the right of each group indicate whether you are a [member], [owner], [editor], and/or [viewer] of each group.

From the My Groups screen, you can browse through the available groups.  You can also create a new group or join an existing group to which you don't currently belong. You can also edit a group for which you are the owner or a designated editor.

For each group listed, CNAV displays the following information:

Note that My Groups is divided into two sets. The first set of groups includes only manually-created groups (those created by yourself or another CNAV user). The second set of groups includes only system-generated groups. A system-generated group is automatically created and updated by CNAV based on the contents of the databases that CNAV accepts as input. Some common system-generated groups include all students, all faculty members, all on-campus CNAV users, all alumni, etc.  Within both sets of groups, inactive or expired groups are marked with a yellow background.